Articles by keyword «extraction»

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Kakhetelidze M.B., Churadze L.I. Аналитико-технологическое изучение плодов боярышника произрастающего в Грузии

№ 1 January 2014 | Category: Common rubric

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Karabayev Z.A., Tanashev S.T., Sakibaeva S.A. Studies on the effect of depth selective treatment of raw materials the properties of the extracts

August, 2012

Tanashev S.T., Karabaev Z.A., Nurgali O. Research the physical and chemical properties of oil distillates Kumkol petroleum and phenol by selective purification, isolation from extracts of the secondary oil distillates

June, 2018

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Chanysheva E.F. Prospects of development of a fuel and energy complex of Russia

September, 2015