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UDC 577.17
Khachatryan T.S.1, Gevorkyan G.A.2, Topuzyan V.O.3, Avagyan A.E.4
1Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, junior sc.worker
2H. Buniatyan Institute of Biochemistry of NAS RA, DSc, professor
3Scientific-technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of NAS RA, DSc, professor
4"TIAR" Ltd, lead specialist
1Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, junior sc.worker
2H. Buniatyan Institute of Biochemistry of NAS RA, DSc, professor
3Scientific-technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of NAS RA, DSc, professor
4"TIAR" Ltd, lead specialist
For today, subclinical hypothyroidism is a most often met and most studied syndrome in modern endocrinology. The purpose of the present research was studying of features of concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone in blood serum at rats with subclinical hypothyroidism before influence of ultra-low doses of N-substituted-α, β-dehydroaminoacids choline ethers, in particular, N-(4-brombenzoil)-α, β-dehydrophenylalanyn choline ether and N-(2-metoxybenzoyil)-O-isopropyl-α, β-dehydrothyrozine choline ether. Researches have shown that at fifteen-monthly rats’ at subclinical hypothyroidism there was a sharp increase of the level of thyroid stimulating hormone. After influence of ultra-low doses of N-substituted-α, β-dehydroaminoacids choline ethers in blood serum of hypothyroid rats there was a concentration of depressing of thyroid stimulating hormone and reached its values at intact animals. The analysis of the yielded series of the made experiments has shown that protector properties can possess not only internal secretion hormones, but also the synthetic derivatives of choline investigated by us, such as N-substituted-α, β-dehydroaminoacids choline ethers.
Category: Biology
Article reference:
Khachatryan T.S., Gevorkyan G.A., Topuzyan V.O., Avagyan A.E. The effects of action of choline ethers under subclinical hypothyroidism on rats // Researches in Science. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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