UDC 550.837. 05:624.131.32


Smilevets Oleg Demyanovich1, Shardakov Alibek Kakimullovich2
1Saratov State Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor of "Geoecology and Engineering Geology" chair of faculty of Ecology and service faculty
2Saratov State Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin, candidate of agricultural sciences, the associate professor "Geoecology and Engineering Geology" Ecology and service faculty

For determination of depth of a protaivaniye of breeds under the course of a waterway the technique of research of transitions through water barriers in development zones the mnogoletnemerzlykh of breeds is offered.

Keywords: microelectric sounding, specific electric resistance

Category: Geology

Article reference:
Smilevets O.D., Shardakov A.K. Electrosounding in researches of permafrost breeds // Researches in Science. 2014. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2014/05/6807

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