UDC 519


Rabchuk Aleksandr Viktorovich1, Samigullina Rakiya Gareevna2
1Ufa State Aviation Technical University, PhD in Technical Science, Assistant Professor of the Mathematic Department,
2Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Senior teacher of the Mathematic Department

Consider question evaluation uncertainty chouce the object from a namber of competition: object - arragement or system of treat information and management; to object produce vectors quality demand test or mathematics model with Pareto – model and use reaction exsperts. Given procedures and reaction exsperts form model automatics take decisions.

Keywords: expert, indefinite, information, management, mathematics model, object, probability

Category: Common rubric

Article reference:
Rabchuk A.V., Samigullina R.G. Probability and entropiya in some problems and assume // Researches in Science. 2013. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2013/10/6090

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