Articles by keyword «почва»

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Ezhov A.Y., Lebedev Y.O., Gorbunov R.V., Khizhnyak J.S., Gorbunov T.Y., Koshovskaya O.S., Revina Y.S., Klyuchkina A.A. Особенности влияния антропогенных загрязнений и приморского положения территорий на процессы почвообразования

№ 11 November 2014 | Category: Geology

Articles in journal «Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management»

Ихсанов К.А., Ихсанов Н.К., Хамсин А.М. Посевные работы при повышенной влажности почвы с использованием струнного прикатывающего катка зерновой сеялки

February, 2013

Semyaninova O.A., Arhipkin V.G. Agrotechnical particularities of soil dry steppe zone of the Urals

February, 2013

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ryabtseva N.A. Optimization of conditions for basic soil cultivation system for cultivation of spring barley

April, 2014

Rudakov V.O., Hamitova S.M., Avdeev Y.M., Konashenko Y.I., Klimovskaya A.R., Selyakova N.S. Microbiological soil studies of the park named after Nikolai Klyuev

September, 2015

Garanovich I.M., Hamitova S.M., Avdeev Y.M., Snetilova V.S., Klimovskaya A.R., Selyakova N.S. Development of biological principles of the formation of a stable biocenotic relations of communities of soil microorganisms of the root zone and urban green spaces of the Vologda region

October, 2015

Lebedev J.O., Gorbunov R.V., Zimnuhov R.A., Yergina E.I. Factors and General Patterns of Spatial Differentiation of the Soil Cover of the Natural Park "Karalarsky"

September, 2016

Snetilova V.S. Distribution of heavy metals in soils on an example of green spaces in urban environment

September, 2016

Snetilova V.S. Economic assessment of soil conditions on the example of green spaces in urban environment

September, 2016

Salnikova E.V., Mishukova T.G., Podrez Y.V., Salnikov I.A. Comparative analysis of the content of essential and toxic trace elements in territory of the Orenburg region

November, 2016

Litvinova M.Y., Zubkovа Y.N., Sopina E.V. Changing the physical and chemical properties of the soil during the growing season of spring wheat in different soil types

November, 2016

Zubkova E.N., Litvinova M.Y., Sopina E.V. Variation of soil parameters of chernozem typical at cultivation Raphanus sativus in different timeframes

December, 2016

Golubeva A.E., Shanina E.V. Estimation of the city of Abakan soil for heavy metals

December, 2016

Filipenkov I.V. Development of automatic drinking

April, 2017

Анализ конструкций сошников для зерновых сеялок

August, 2020

Влияние окружающей среды на здоровье человека

December, 2020

Оценка кислотности (рH) почв Альметьевского муниципального района Республики Татарстан (Российская Федерация)

May, 2021

Влияние минеральных удобрений на водный и питательный режим почвы под подсолнечником

August, 2022

İslamova A.R. Environmental innovations at industrial enterprises as a factor of achieving a balanced development of society

October, 2022