Articles by keyword «Karelia»

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Georgiev A.P. Характеристика корюшки (снетка) (Osmerus eperlanus eperlanus morpha spirinchus Pallas) Водлозерского водохранилища (Карелия) с точки зрения ее рыбохозяйственного освоения

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: Biology

Articles in journal «Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management»

Cherepanova N.S., Georgiev A.P. Fishery characteristics of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.) of the Vygozero reservoir (Karelia)

November, 2014

Cherepanova N.S., Georgiev A.P. Especially the use of the fishing lake Nyuk (Karelia)

April, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Cherepanova N.S., Shirokov V.A., Georgiev A.P. Characteristics of the main reservoirs of the Republic of Karelia in terms of their use of the fishing

January, 2017