UDC 551.24


Kopylov Igor Sergeevich
Natural Science Institute of the Perm State National Research University
doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, the associate professor, leading researcher

Basic geological (geological-structural, tectonic and geodynamic) factors affecting the formation of geoecological conditions are discussed in the article. Tectonic and neotectonic structure of the Perm Ural and Ural territory are considered. Geodynamic activity is the leading factor in the formation of many geochemical anomalies. Geodynamic active zones identified on the basis of aerospace geological researches are mapped. Their influence on the environment and morbidity are established.

Keywords: geodynamic active zones, geoecological assessment, geoecology, geological factors, neotectonics

Category: Geology

Article reference:
Kopylov I.S. Geological factors of formation geoecological conditions // Researches in Science. 2015. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2015/06/10233

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