UDC 546.621.631


Zhadovskiy Ivan Tarasovich
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Ph.D., Assistant of the Department of General and Physical Chemistry

This article presents the thermodynamic characteristics of the process of ion exchange sorption of cobalt. The isotherms exchangeable cations sodium cobalt and ferromanganese nodules . The values of the limit of adsorption and ion exchange constant apparent.

Keywords: ferromanganese nodules, Gibbs energy of the ion exchange, Langmuir isotherm, lyotropic number of cations, radii of sorbed cations, sorption

Category: Chemistry

Article reference:
Zhadovskiy I.T. Isotherm sorption cobalt and sodium ferromanganese nodules // Researches in Science. 2015. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2015/05/10042

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