UDC 61.616-71


Smogunov Vladimir Vasilyevich1, Belousova Irina Borisovna2, Volkova Natalya Aleksandrovna3, Vdovikina Olga Anatolyevna4, Shorin Vladimir Alekseevich5
1Penza State University, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics
2Penza State University, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theory of Physical culture and sport
3Penza State University, graduate student
4Penza State University, candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics
5Penza State University, candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics

This article describes the heterostructure integrative metasystems of the human body, especially the blood circulatory system. The efficiency of self-control of blood pressure and heart rate as a predictor of cardiovascular disease is shown. Own research revealed the systemic dynamic instability of the basic parameters of the integrative metasystems the heart-the vessels-the blood that is of interest in issues of disease prevention.

Keywords: blood circulatory system, blood pressure, heterostructures, integrative metasystems, pressure monitor, pulse

Category: Common rubric

Article reference:
Smogunov V.V., Belousova I.B., Volkova N.A., Vdovikina O.A., Shorin V.A. The research heterostructure of integrative metasystems // Researches in Science. 2015. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2015/02/9071

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