UDC 621.355.2


Kochurov Alexey Alekseevich1, Gumelev Vasiliy Yuryevich2
1Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, professor, candidate of technical Sciences
2Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov, candidate of technical Sciences

Presents the results of an experimental study of the effect of unit separators on the intensity of the flow of diffusion processes in the electrolyte in the process lead accumulator on the basis of which the proposed enhanced design of the lead battery.

Keywords: battery, design, diffusion, electrode, experiment, the electrolyte layer

Category: Physics

Article reference:
Kochurov A.A., Gumelev V.Y. Improving the design lead accumulator // Researches in Science. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2014/10/8422

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