UDC 539.211


Gumelev Vasiliy Yuryevich1, Kochurov Alexey Alekseevich2
1Ryazan high airborne command school (the military institute) name of the General of the army V. Margelov, candidate of technical Sciences
2Ryazan high airborne command school (the military institute) name of the General of the army V. Margelov, professor, candidate of technical Sciences

Nature and possible causes of degradation of the positive electrodes of lead batteries, which were kept flooded with electrolyte are considered.

Category: Physics

Article reference:
Gumelev V.Y., Kochurov A.A. Fracture behavior of the positive electrodes of lead-acid batteries // Researches in Science. 2013. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2013/03/4181

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One comment to “Fracture behavior of the positive electrodes of lead-acid batteries”

  1. 10.03.2018 at 06:31

    Но если в решетку анода добавить 0,5-1% серебра, то она не посыпется (если конечно не перезаряжать, не переразряжать и не подвергать большим токам. При чём серебро стоит 10грн/грамм (5% стоимости АКБ)

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