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Weis Andrey Andreevich
FGBOU VO Sibirsky state technological university
doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor of forest valuation, forest managements and geodesies

The state-of-the-art review of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of cabins of leaving is presented in this article. It is established that the following directions are innovative: classification of trees for carrying out cabins; cutting of branches and rejuvenation of kroner for improvement of quality of trunks; use of various models for optimum and effective implementation of cabins; studying lesovodstvennykh of consequences of carrying out cabins; application of new, generally technical methods of cabins; assessment of influence of cabins of leaving on various components of plantings; research of a role of cabins of leaving in the budget of carbon; improvement of quality of timber at the prorezhivaniyakh of plantings; use of different types of cabins of leaving.

Keywords: budget of carbon, cabins of leaving, classification of trees, model, modern researches, rejuvenation of kroner, scrap of branches

Category: Biology

Article reference:
Weis A.A. Modern researches in the field of cabins of leaving // Researches in Science. 2015. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2015/06/10202

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