UDC 629.113


Gumelev Vasiliy Yuryevich
Ryazan high airborne command school name of the General of the army V. Margelov
candidate of technical Sciences

The article presents the method of optimizing Troubleshooting-electrical equipment of the vehicle on the example of electric circuits lighting system in an army vehicle Ural-4320-31. The method is implemented using a simple system, which is the warning lamp. The way it is expedient to apply during vehicle operation under special conditions.

Keywords: blown, diagnosis, failure, fuse wire, lamp, scheme, section of the circuit, turning on the switch

Category: Common rubric

Article reference:
Gumelev V.Y. Optimization of search of malfunctions vehicle electric equipments // Researches in Science. 2014. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://science.snauka.ru/en/2014/04/6722

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